Rice cultivation – Valoryz Agro
Our business, situated in the valley of the Körös rivers, systematically coordinates the processes of rice production and cultivation using innovative solutions.
In addition to rice production, we take part in maintenance breeding
The rice production and quality control process:
We ensure the quality of Valoryz products and services through continuous development, the use of cutting-edge technologies and cultivating long-term partnerships.
From selecting the right farmer, to seed production, harvesting and creating the final product, rice production is a strictly controlled process whose key is the care and responsibility with which we treat our brand and our clients.
We aim to improve our services and products by continuously monitoring each step of our work process.

The main steps of organic and traditional rice production:
A Valoryz termékek és szolgáltatások minőségét a folyamatos fejlődésen, a legújabb technológiák alkalmazásán és a hosszútávú partnerségek kialakításán keresztül biztosítjuk.
A rizstermelés a termelő kiválasztásától, a vetőmag termelésre való átadásától kezdve az aratáson át egészen a késztermék előállításáig egy szigorúan kontrollált folyamat, aminek kulcsa a gondosság és a felelősség, amit a márkánk és az ügyfeleink felé képviselünk.
Célunk, hogy a munkafázisok folyamatos ellenőrzésen keresztül fejlesszük szolgáltatásainkat és új termékeinket.
Organic seeds
Self-produced seeds for farmers.
Long-term, strict contracts for producers. Continuous professional advice.
Sowing and germination
Sowing at an agreed time. Daily monitoring during germination.
Plant development
Ongoing contact with farmers. Visits to the land.
Complete maturity
Measurement of moisture content.
When moisture content reaches 16-18%.
Collecting the rice
After the rice dried to 12-12.5% moisture content.
1st control check
Computer-controlled, continuous, automatic sampling after pre-cleaning, as required. Purity test, moisture test.
In cooling silos. Automatic sampling and control for storage.
2nd control check
Accredited laboratory:
residue and toxin testing,
heavy metal analysis, gluten analysis, and microbiological tests.
Compulsory certificates from the producer
A valid organic certificate, production logbook, non-GMO declaration, and producer declaration.
The start of processing
Inter-production controls, packaging material and end product control.
Get to know our products!
Rice from the
Great Hungarian Plain, from the valley of the Körös rivers